LinkedIn Learning Series

Invest in your business development by connecting genuinely and confidently with your clients and VIPs.  

Four Workshops discovering ways to establish your Credibility and be highly Referable on LinkedIn.

Foundation Session: The Client Focused Profile


Catch the Attention of Your LinkedIn V.I.Ps.

What does it actually mean to have a Client. Focused. Profile?

What does your client want to learn when they visit your profile so they want to connect with you further?

We identify your VIP and what interests them.  We discuss their engagement behaviours  and recommend 9 quick changes to make to your profile to catch their attention. Worksheet also provided.  

Access to the Video Learning session and worksheet will be available upon purchase.

If you are a Service Provider, Consultant, Coach, or Professional business owner and you KNOW your clients are on LinkedIn however you’re unsure when using the platform as a marketing and sales tool, then this LinkedIn Learning Series is perfect for you.   and your team.

Increasing Credibility

With Your Existing Profile

What actually resonates with your LinkedIn VIP?

Looking at ways your profile can authentically showcase your credibility and expertise so you are easily referable and attract the VIPs you are wanting to reach. Downloadable Checklist provided.

Book now for the LIVE Virtual session or catch the replay on demand.
Sessions come with a downloadable worksheet.

It’s also recommended to purchase Session ONE: “The Client Focused Profile – Catch the Attention of your LinkedIn VIP”


Ways to overcome engagement fatigue when you are short on energy and time


How to invest well and be effective in connecting with potential clients and referral partners on LinkedIn as well as in real life. Looking strategies and mindset so we overcome that engagement and content producing fatigue.

Book now for the LIVE Virtual session or catch the replay on demand.
Sessions come with a downloadable worksheet.

Session THREE: Now Available on Demand
$47 plus gst (NZD)

Creating a power post that your VIPS will engage with
Book now for the LIVE Virtual session or catch the replay on demand.
Sessions come with a downloadable worksheet.

Do you feel like your carefully crafted content isn’t even seen?

How to write posts and content that will cause engagement from your ideal clients and their extended network.

Book now for the LIVE Virtual session or catch the replay on demand.
Sessions come with a downloadable worksheet.

Session FOUR: 11am, 11 August 2023 NZT and available later on demand.
$47 plus gst (NZD)

Maximising Your LinkedIn Learning Sessions:

Each session will be presented virtually with a live Q and A (it’s in the Q and A time where the masterclass actually begins).  If you are unable to join us live, watch the replay and use the worksheet to create your own action plan. 

If you’d prefer a work-with-me  personalised LinkedIn coaching programme, please check the details below or book a discovery call, I’m happy to chat

One on One LinkedIn Marketing Strategy Coaching